Hepatoprotective and some other properties of the drug Kobavit

Influence of kobavit on clinical and immunological parameters in children with protracted course of viral hepatitis B

The effectiveness of the use of a domestic drug will add in viral hepatitis

Clinical and immunological characteristics of patients with chronic viral hepatitis B treated with kobavite

Immunocorrective therapy of chronic active hepatitis B in children


The role of cobalt-containing drugs in complex therapy for syphilis patients


The effectiveness of the inclusion of kobavit in the complex therapy of glomerulonephritis


Применение Кобавита при лямблиозе детей

Application of the drug “Kobavit” in newborns and infants

Application of the drug ``Kobavit`` in newborns and infants


Kobavit is a pathogenetically substantiated remedy in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease

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