The personnel for A.B.-BIOKOM LLC, as for any other company, is the most important strategic resource. The main factor determining the company’s success is highly qualified specialists. In this regard, the company attaches great importance to personnel development.
The formation of an effective and capable team, the constant development of the professional qualities of each employee are the main requirements of the pharmaceutical market. In this regard, the Company is interested in achieving individual results, both for each employee and the team as a whole.
The Company’s management understands that it is difficult for a person who comes to the enterprise for the first time to immediately adapt to the team and join the work of a well-coordinated team. To help him/her overcome this difficult period, the responsible personnel of the Company, conducting personal conversations and additional communication trainings, help him/her find his/her place in the team.
The personnel policy of the Company is aimed at maintaining the optimal numerical composition, developing and training personnel, building a team of professionals.
Most of the Company’s employees have higher education in pharmacy or medicine.
In LLC “A.B.-BIOKOM” in the selection of personnel, special attention is paid not only to the professionalism of personnel, but also to personal qualities such as:

– High responsibility;
– Permanent desire to improve skills, self-development;
– Ability to tactical thinking;
– Ability to plan the working process and focus on the final result;
– Ability to work effectively in a team;
– Openness and honesty towards the Company and colleagues;
– Willingness to accept the norms of corporate culture, to maintain loyalty to the Company.

Respect and help are guaranteed to all newcomers to the Company. Both the management and all employees do their best for the speedy adoption of newcomers into the friendly and solid team of A.B.-BIOKOM LLC.
As a rule, a probation period is established for new employees, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, not exceeding 3 months.
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