Trade name of the preparation: Coglumet.
Active ingredient: Coglumet is a complex compound of cobalt with glutamic acid and vitamin U.
Release form: 0.005 g tablets in blisters and in bottles.
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Immuno-modulator, antiviral agent (cytokine inducer).
Pharmacological properties
The pronounced clinical effect of Coglumet is due to both the properties of the component components of the drug, and the fact that they are connected into a single composition – a bio complex that significantly increases their specific endogenous activity.
Cobalt, which is part of the Coglumet as a structure-forming element, being a vital trace element, plays an extremely important role in the body. It has a positive effect on protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, promotes the accumulation of vitamins A, C and K in the body, as well as B vitamins, enhances the synthesis of nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, NAD. Under the influence of cobalt, enzymes of the antioxidant system are activated, the main metabolism increases, and tissue respiration improves. Cobalt improves mineral metabolism, including the absorption of iron, calcium and phosphorus by the body.
Cobalt is an important factor in the process of immunogenesis. It activates the complement system and the process of antibody formation, contributes to an increase in overall resistance, and as a result, the body’s resistance to various infections is enhanced.
Vitamin U, which is part of the Coglumet, plays a key role in the metabolic processes of the body by actively participating in important biochemical reactions: transmethylation, trans sulfation, transamination. It has detoxifying, regenerating, antioxidant properties. In transmethylation reactions, it acts as a donor of methyl groups necessary for the synthesis of phospholipids of cell membranes, neurotransmitters, nucleic acids, proteins, hormones, etc., as well as by methylation of radicals and a number of toxic compounds of exo- and endogenous nature into non-toxic forms.
Normalization under the influence of vitamin U synthesis of endogenous phosphatidylcholine promotes the regeneration of cell membranes, increase their fluidity and polarization, as a result, cellular function is restored and activated. It also reduces the toxicity of bile acids in hepatocytes by activating conjugation processes. It has a lipotropic effect, due to which it prevents fatty degeneration of the liver, and also exhibits antihistamine and antiatherosclerotic properties.
Glutamic acid, which is part of the Coglumet, promotes the synthesis of acetylcholine, the transfer of potassium ions, is involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism of white and gray matter in the brain. It plays an important role in the oxidation-reduction reactions taking place in the brain tissue cells with the release of energy stored in the form of ATP, acts as a neurotransmitter, etc.
One of the important properties of glutamic acid is its participation in the process of nitrogen metabolism. It contributes to the neutralization of ammonia and its excretion by the kidneys. The binding and neutralization of ammonia plays an important role in the normal activity of the central nervous system, including the prevention or elimination of encephalopathy.
Coglumet as a whole, has hepatoprotective, antiparasitic, antimicrobial action, and also has a pronounced immunomodulating, antiviral (cytokininducing), antichlamydial and antitoxoplasmosis action. The drug exhibits the properties of an inducer of both cellular and humoral immune responses.
Under the influence of Coglumet, an effective immunological response is achieved in a short time. The drug stimulates the process of cooperation of T- and B-lymphocytes and thereby contributes to the efficient production of cells – producers of antibodies.
Coglumet through the mechanisms of induction of interleukins promotes the growth and differentiation of B-lymphocytes, activates macrophages, T-lymphocytes, induces the production of immunoglobulins of certain classes.
Under the influence of the drug, the number of lymphocytes with markers of activation of growth of immunocompetent cells increases significantly. Coglumet has a stimulating effect on intracellular processes occurring in immunocytes and thereby contributes to their rapid maturation and synthesis of specific receptor molecules.
The drug has a stimulating effect on the proliferation of stem cells in various immunopathological conditions. Кoglumet has the ability to cancel the competition of antigens in the immune response and, as a result, promotes the formation of pronounced immunity to each type of polyantigens. The drug has an antiviral property, due to its high and prolonged interferon-inducing activity. Under its influence, the synthesis of “early” interferon is observed.
The drug in patients with chronic forms of hepatitis (also accompanied by virus carriage) in a short time causes a seronegative reaction to hepatitis B and C viruses, helps to reduce elevated bilirubin levels and the activity of liver enzymes, effectively reduces the size of an enlarged liver, and significantly increases antitoxic functions of the liver.
The inclusion of the drug in the complex therapy of chlamydia patients leads to a quick and almost complete rehabilitation of the body.
The use of Coglumet in HIV-infected and AIDS patients as a monotherapy drug, or combined with ARVT drugs, is accompanied by a significant stabilization of the clinical picture of the underlying disease, a marked improvement in immunological parameters, and an intensive regression of concomitant diseases associated with opportunistic infection (hepatitis, anemia, TORCH infection and other).
Taking the drug by HIV-infected and AIDS patients improves the general condition, sleep and appetite, increases vitality, performance, and thereby improves the quality of life. With the combined use of antiretroviral drugs and cohlumet, it contributes to a significant reduction in side effects and the prevention of complications characteristic of ARV therapy drugs.
The use of Koglumet in patients with SARS-CoV-2 was accompanied by a marked improvement in laboratory and instrumental tests.
Under the influence of coglumet in patients with coronovirus infection there were observes, a decrease in body temperature, normalization or a significant improvement in respiratory and cardiac rhythms in a short time of use. Koglumet, depending on the severity of the disease, contributes to a marked decrease in the severity or regression of viral pneumonia in patients with COVID-19. Under the influence of the drug, a high immune response to SARS-CoV-2 is formed in the shortest possible time.
Koglumet markedly improves the general health condition of patients with COVID-19. As a result, there is an early normalization of sleep and appetite, an increase in vitality.
Indications for use
As an immunomodulating agent :
1. Secondary immunodeficiency states: acute, chronic and recurrent infections and infectious and inflammatory diseases;
2. Skin diseases: psoriasis, allergic dermatoses, shingles.
3. Urogenital infections of viral, bacterial and fungal etiology: chronic urethritis of chlamydial-bacterial etiology, etc.
As an antiviral (cytokininducing) agent:
1. Diseases of parasitic etiology, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia;
2. Chronic hepatitis B, C;
3. CMV
4. Herpes
5. HIV infection and AIDS.
6. In viral diseases caused by the Coronaviridae family, including SARS-CoV-2
Dosage and administration
Inside. The drug is prescribed as monotherapy or as part of complex therapy, 30-60 minutes before a meal, according to a scheme depending on the nosological form of the disease.
The use of Coglumet as an immunomodulating agent:
1. In secondary immunodeficiency conditions, 1 tablet is prescribed 2 or 3 times a day for 10-15 days.
2. For skin diseases and urogenetic infections of bacterial, viral and fungal etiology, 1 tablet is prescribed 2 or 3 times a day for 14 days.
The use of Coglumet as an antiviral (cytokininducing) agent:
1. For chronic hepatitis B and C, 1 tablet is prescribed 2 or 3 times a day for up to two months.
2. In case of chronic intracellular infections (TORCH infections): cytomegaloviruses, herpes (herpes simplex and herpes zoster) toxoplasmosis and chlamydia are prescribed 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day, the duration of the course of treatment is up to 1 month. If necessary, treatment can be extended or reappointed. A break between courses is not more than 1 month. Used at all stages of HIV infection. In the initial stages of HIV infection, cohlumet is used as a monotherapy drug. In patients with a progressive stage of HIV infection and with mixed infections of the type “HIV / Tuberculosis” or “Tuberculosis / HIV”, Coglumet should be used in combination with ARVT drugs.
Dose and duration of use of the drug in HIV-infected and AIDS patients: 1 tablet 2 times a day; with concomitant liver diseases, with anemia and tuberculosis, 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course of treatment is at least 6 months, the interval between courses is not more than 3 months.
For viral diseases caused by the Coronaviridae family, including those with SARS-CoV-2, 2 tablets are prescribed 2 or 3 times a day. If necessary, the dosage can be increased: 4 tablets 2 times a day. The course of treatment is from 15 to 30 days.
Side effects
The drug is well tolerated. No side effects have been identified.
Hypersensitivity to the drug.
Drug interactions
Phenomenon incompatibility Coglumet with drugs basic therapy was not found.
Special instructions
Coglumet exhibits the properties of an inducer of a mixed immune response: with relatively mild forms of immunodeficiency, the activation of cellular immunity (Th1 type) prevails under the influence of the drug, and with relatively more severe forms, the humoral type (Th2 type) of the immune response is activated more.
Interruptions in taking the drug in HIV-infected people do not lead to the emergence of resistance to clogulum.
The drug should be stored out of the reach of children and not used after the expiration date.
Storage conditions
Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25о C.
Expiration date
3 years.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Medicines Koglumet guardian of health (immunomodulator antiviral agent)
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